PC Michelle Waterman
Michelle Waterman Poetry

Michelle Waterman
is a young woman with the gift of taking the common word transforming them into an image of such depth and soul it touches everyone who reads her work. This is just one of her poems yet I am going to add many more in the near future. Her poetry is a reflection of who this young woman is. And I value her friendship and her artistry beyond any words I could write here. She like many others is truly a survivor of life who has maintained her gentle spirit and her belief in what can be with a dignity I find surprising in someone her age.
Please be advised that some subject matter and content in this page may be unsuitable for anyone under 18 years of age.
If you would like to respond to his writings please email this site, and I will forward it to her.

I would appreciate your thoughts and comments, please sign our guestbook.

Marty Duswalt-Pinney

~ A Healing Heart ~

Round and round I go.
I wonder what to say
and where i should go.
You cling and claw like
leaves in the wind.
You make me feel guilt
where there should be none.
You took my life and shattered
my dreams.
And now you want to try
and do it all again.
You think I'm fragile.
You think I'm frail.
But here I stand, strong
and true, believing in
myself and what I can do.
You have hurt me and
forgiveness is slow.
You have taken from me
more than I have wanted to give.
But I stand before you now,
fighting for what I do not have.
But you still play your games,
and this is my life and
I want it back again,
because it is mine
and mine alone!


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Site designed and maintained by
Marty Duswalt-Pinney
