Political Voices
My name is Marty Duswalt-Pinney
I am now disabled and on Social Security/Medicare. I have been
following the fight in Congress and the
Senate on the reforms they wish to make.
In one respect I agree totally that American's are not covered well enough to
defray the cost of treatment of any kind.
\ As a disabled person dealing
with Medicare I can tell you first hand that
Medicare does not cover enough. I
as many on a fixed income find it impossible to get
he total medical attention
I need. I cannot afford to see a therapist as Medicare will only pay a small
I cannot get my teeth fixed because Medicare does not pay for dental. I
also cannot get my eyes checked due to the same issue.
Since when do senior
citizens or the disabled NOT need these basic items.
I do not hear them
addressing what we truly need. We did not get a cost of living
increase because
they said there was no cost of living increase this year in the United States.
Well were are they living? It costs more to eat and cloth and pay utility bills
all these items increased substantially.
I need 5 surgeries to allow me to live
a more productive and comfortable life.
But I cannot tell you when I can even
What assistance I get from Social Security will not cover enough and I
cannot afford to be in debt more than I am.
And as far as a Therapist well that
is completely out of the question and for my PSTD
along with
other issues I NEED to be in
We are speaking to you. Stop playing political games and listen
to we the people.
We will tell you what we need and work with you to get it
Above was written awhile ago but it still stands, today is even more divisive
and it seems no one is listening to we the people once again.
Another election will be in 2016 so be active,
speak loudly, petition and
question those who would have power. Hold all accountable.
VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (August 9, 2015)
*******Added ( February 25, 2017)*******
As you can see I have not written on this page in awhile but the times are again
in a political nightmare.
Our new President Trump is out of control and our
personal liberties are once again in jeopardy.
I have been reading a biography
of John Connally, In History's Shadow An American Odyssey John Connally.
In his writings he wrote of Joe McCarthy. In his description of the man it
is so appropriate now in how I see
Donald Trumps presidency.
John Connally said:
" A climate had been established.
Senator Joseph McCarthy, of Wisconsin, would begin to monopolize the political
news as did no other figure of that time.
He made anti-communism his personal
crusade, and his motives and his methods were not easily questioned.
For a long
time, no one did. Public sentiment was with him, and the money cascaded into his
office. Some of his backers were very rich, and many were fanatical.
In the most hawkish states, Texas included, it wasn't prudent to criticize him.
Ordinary people liked what they were hearing. McCarthy warned that the Communist
conspiracy was all around us.
He was going to get the Reds out of the State
Department, and off the college faculties.
is no way to overstate the danger of McCarthy.
He had the power to inflame
people, to divide them, to set neighbor spying upon neighbor. Among his
supporters, he created
a combination of rapture and hysteria, as Hitler had done
in his ascent in Germany.
McCarthy's weapons were words, not force. He followed
his imagination, not a plan.
His influence was frightening because he was a man
without discipline, a man whose ways were casual and reckless.
Where McCarthy's ambitions were headed, no one could be certain. It may not have
been ideology
that even drove him; he was an arsonist whose satisfaction was in
the spreading of the flames."
The correlation to President Trump is frightening,
he is using Islamist Terrorism instead of Communism,
railing against the press
who's job is to report any false statements said by all who are in power.
is a safe check for anyone like a Joe McCarthy who having a narcissistic and ego
driven personality
never exceeds the constitutional boundaries set by our
fore fathers in the constitution and the belief of separation of powers.
So that
no man or woman seeking personal power can cause the damage to our society and
our freedoms through fear ever again.
So again everyone vote to make change, keep watch and always support our
beliefs of freedom, liberty,
and persecute of happiness so well represented in
our Constitution.
Also the Republican agenda is again going after Medicare and Social Security
Disability benefits once again.
Along with the Right To Choose for all women's
We have to fight and let our voices be
Thank You
Marty Duswalt-Pinney
Our Voices
Can Be Heard, we just
need to teach our children,
and grandchildren that it has been and can be done again.
Political Activism
is not an unholy thing nor is it an act of defiance for it's own sake.
Pure activism is about dedication.
A dedication to a
belief and the willingness to follow whatever
path that might take
without question.
It is about FAITH in it's truest form.
Faith in making life a better place for all.
that there will be peace and a sense of true humanity between all
religions and nations.
As a true child of the 60's and 70's I fought for the
right to say oout loud what was in my soul.
And no hear the chanting of those three
magical simple words.
If we could all just live these words.
As for our Government now. I am not responsible for
their actions, I do not condone going to war for one's ego.
I will never
agree to the tactics this group of men have used and will continue to
So all who remember those days of activism rise up
once again,
and those who do not learn how a voice can start as one and
day by day become voices of many.
It just takes saying what your soul
cries out to say,
and those around you will do the same, till there will
be an army of voices demanding change.
It happened then and it needs to happen now!!!!!!!!
Participate in the challenge, Vote,
Demand, Speak
Show Washington once again WE AS A NATION
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Time 1999
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Time - 1999
CD - Silver Lining DJA1114 Produced by Leslie Hawes
Stardust & Passion
The Well (Havens) Nobody Left To Crown (live) (Havens) Zodiac (Havens) Freedom (extended live version) (Havens) No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed (live) (Havens, Price) I Was Educated By Myself (live) (Havens) |
The song Freedom which I dedicate for this page is from this album, a must have for all Richie Havens fans.
This link below takes you to the official Richie Havens Site.